Sabtu, 30 April 2016

It turns out cucumber juice brings many benefits to the health of the body and skin

Cucumber is a fruit that is often utilized in both the kitchen to make pickles or eating directly for fresh vegetables. The content of vitamin K in the cucumber is very high. This vitamin can help the body against various diseases and also lowers the risk of obesity.
Besides content enough water in it so as to serve as conditioning. Cucumber is soothing, it feels cold, and refreshing make cucumber can be used to help moisturize and take care of facial skin freshness
Cucumbers are low in saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium is also a good source of vitamin A, pantothenic acid, magnesium, phosphorus and magnesium. Meanwhile it is also high in potassium, folate, carbohydrate, zinc, Vitamin C and Vitamin K. All these nutrients help to keep the poor living conditions Health k body, even to cure disease and improve processes in the body.
Lose weight
You want to lose weight? Eat cucumber juice regularly. In addition to high fiber, nutrient content in it also helps ensure your body gets the nutrients it needs.
Skin care
Cucumber has diuretic properties, the effect of cooling and cleaning products that are beneficial to the skin. A high water content; vitamins A, B, and C; as well as minerals such as magnesium, potassium, manganese, and silica; make cucumber became an important part of skin care. Face masks containing cucumber juice is used for skin tightening. Ascorbic acid and caffeic acid are present in cucumber can reduce the level of water retention, which in turn reduces the swelling around the eyes.
Killing Tapeworms
Cucumber seeds regarded as a natural remedy to expel tapeworms in the intestinal tract. In fact, cucumber seeds are also known to be useful as anti-inflammatory and effective in the treatment of swelling of the mucous membranes (nose) and throat.
Overcome gout and rheumatism
Cucumber juice fortified vitamins A, B1, B6, C, and D and folate, magnesium, and calcium when mixed with carrot juice may help patients who experience joint pain by lowering uric acid.
Treat toothache and gum
Mouth disease on the teeth and gums, pyorrhea in particular, can be treated effectively with cucumber juice. Consumption of raw cucumber can also increase saliva and serves to neutralize the acid and alkaline in the oral cavity.
In addition to fresh, it turns out cucumber juice brings many benefits to the health of the body and skin. Hopefully useful and good luck.

The benefit of consuming raw eggs

Almost everyone ever eat eggs, all kinds of eggs can be eaten, but the most common are chicken eggs and duck eggs. Eggs are very good for health, because eggs containprotein, carbohydrates, calcium, essential amino acids, vitamins, biotin, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, iodine, manganese, and zinc.
How to eat eggs is very diverse, starting with fried egg, fried eggs, boiled eggs, etc. lain.Namun turns raw egg consumption also brings many health benefits.
Fat-free and cholesterol
If fried, eggs typically have high levels of saturated fat and high cholesterol. But when enjoyed in its raw form, the eggs are free of both compounds are hazardous to health.
Prevent cancer and heart disease
There is an important content in the yolk that are beneficial to health. A study also revealed that these compounds could prevent cancer and heart disease.
Benefits of eggs for muscle formation
Eating raw eggs a time suitable for you who wish to have sispack stomach. The content of nutrients in the egg very well to make the muscles to look athletic, well not only with hard-boiled egg white in it. By eating raw eggs, in fact, can also make the muscles and very fitting for you who are dieting. Nutritionally complete, eat raw eggs will make your muscles strong and unbiased.
Counteracting blindness and cataracts
Cataracts usually trigger turns blindness can be prevented by eating raw eggs, especially the elderly who are often attacked by both conditions.
Adding Energy and Stamina
The body is not powered can be solved with raw eggs, raw egg consumption can increase energy and stamina. We need to know also that raw eggs can maintain hormonal balance, speed up metabolism,and launch the circulatory system.
Giving positive power intake
By eating raw eggs the way, this equates to provide optimum power in the body. According to nutrition experts, the agency also would be difficult if not necessarily digest raw eggs because there are natural enzymes that help the digestive system.
That is some information about the benefits of raw eggs, so now you do not have to be afraid anymore to consume uncooked eggs because a lot of benefit in terms of health side

Jumat, 29 April 2016

Stored benefits of pineapple Exceptional.

Pineapple fruit also contains calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sodium, potassium, dextrose, sucrose, and the enzyme bromelain. In addition, pineapple are also rich in fiber.
Is currently obtaining pineapple are also not difficult, we can find it in traditional markets or supermarkets. For those of you who love pineapple fruit is, of course, not only pamper but behind the pleasures that, saved pineapple tremendous benefits.
Although many properties of this fruit and its benefits, but need to be careful for women who are pregnant. Pineapple contains bromelian, which makes it as one of the fruits that should not be eaten by pregnant women
help Digestion
Like many fruits and vegetables, pineapple contain dietary fiber that is very important in keeping you organized and in maintaining intestinal health. But unlike many fruits and vegetables, pineapple contains large amounts of bromelain, an enzyme that breaks down protein, may help digestion, according to the American Cancer Society.
prevent Hypertension
Someone who tend to have high blood pressure, of course, will try to make the blood pressure stabilized. The right food choices to become one, ie taking into account the pineapple diet for hypertension. Number of high potassium content such as that found in bananas benefits. but contain low sodium content, will help maintain normal blood pressure levels.
Lose weight
High fiber content in pineapple proven petrified diet program to lose weight naturally.
Maintaining healthy teeth
Pineapple contains vitamin C can help prevent dental plaque and gum disease.
Strong Bones
Not only the benefits of milk contains calcium for bone health. But the substance of manganese present in large quantities in the pineapple and helps strengthen bones and connective tissue. A cup of pineapple juice will provide approximately 73% of manganese is needed for the day. A study showed that manganese along with other minerals, can help in preventing osteoporosis in postmenopausal women ASCA.
Fixing Leather Legs
Pineapple fruit can be a natural scrub for the feet that help in shedding scaly legs, skin calluses on the feet and legs to restore the skin smooth and soft. Pineapple also can win the inflammation and swelling of the skin of the legs, triggered skin of the feet cracked.
Restoring Healthy Lip
Pineapple is used in conjunction with the benefits of coconut oil, may help overcome the chapped lips. Pineapple and coconut oil provides nourishing nature, which heals chapped lips and soften bibr. In addition, the pineapple mixture of coconut oil and this gives a natural luster to the lips.
Thus myriad properties and benefits of pineapple are rarely recognized by many orang.api of course to keep in mind, should not be excessive consumption of pineapple for pineapple can trigger the cause of some alaergi

Eggplant proved to have many benefits for health and beauty

It might have been a lot of people who frequently eat eggplant purple as side dishes everyday but they are minimal to determine the content and the exceptional properties of eggplant purple itself. So what are the benefits for health purple eggplant? Questions will terbesit the minds of many people.Eggplant is usual in though as vegetable dishes because it has a sweet and savory, but eggplant can also be made into juice to taste more delicious and good for health.Did you know that eggplant proved to have many benefits for health and beauty, the eggplant are minerals and nutrients essential for good health, so for those of you who love this fruit will be very lucky because the health and beauty of your body will always be maintained.Anti cancerSubstance contained in the eggplant nasunin functioning mememrangi cancer cells in our body, routinely consume eggplant effective for prevention and a cure for colon cancer.Maintaining a healthy heartEggplant is proven benefits for cardiovascular health due to the potassium content in it. Potassium works right set of dehydration well at the body, then it could ensure no fluid retention which will lead to coronary heart disease.Help you lose weightEggplant purple vegetable is very suitable for you who are in the diet, because of very high fiber content can help you lose weight quickly.Good for diabeticsEggplant contains more fiber and less carbohydrates so it fits in food for diabetics, a study suggested that eating eggplant routinely and regularly can help lower blood sugar levels.moisturize the skinRegularly eat eggplant can help moisturize our skin from the inside, for those of you who have dry skin then rutinlah consuming eggplant fruit well in though as a vegetable or in drink as juice.Thus the benefits of eggplant purple for health, considering the benefits of eggplant include various intake to the body, then make eggplant as a food menu that is required for your family. good luck!

Rabu, 27 April 2016

The benefits of mushroom that has a very complete nutrition

Mushrooms are sold general tend to be safe for consumption. The oyster mushroom is a type of fungus that is big enough and the shape of its width like a leaf. This fungus grows mostly in trees or rotting tree trunks and old. Do not worry even grow on trees like that, but the oyster mushroom is safe for consumption.

Oyster mushrooms contain saturated fatty acids and polysaccharides chitin, they cause a bad taste. Oyster mushrooms including safe food for the body. These foods contain mineral microelements that are metal, but lower levels.

Just make sure if you cook the oyster mushrooms with a way of cooking so it does not eliminate vitamin and positive uses mushroom itself to our body. If you are interested in cooking mushrooms make sure all impurities such as soil, or dirt from the outside you wash up really missing from becoming dangerous if participating termasak and consumed by us.

Maintaining heart health

With the mushroom consumption as much as one serving, have provided 20-40 percent of daily copper intake. This mineral works to protect the heart

Oyster mushrooms contain a natural vegetable protein is also plenty of vitamins such as vitamin C, calcium, amino acids needed by the body to stay healthy every day. Olah was the oyster mushrooms with a right then you can get all the nutritional benefits perfectly

Oyster mushrooms as a food producing enzymes which can either give more power to sustain your daily activities

nematode is one type of malicious worms that often goes into the human gastrointestinal tract. Consumption of oyster mushrooms can kill the nematode significantly on average live wild in our intestines.

Thus the benefits of mushroom that has a very complete nutrition. Start the mushroom consumption, nutrient-rich healthy food at affordable prices to everyone

Red ginger efficacy benefits

Red Ginger has been used as a source of health products manufacture base. In addition to the physical color that is different from ordinary ginger that is red, red ginger taste milder and not sepedas ginger in general. Red ginger since the first processed by traditional community as cough medicine and natural way of dieting.

Red Ginger has many kinds of natural ingredients that can make the body more refreshed. Meanwhile honey contains a variety of substances needed by the body as sugar, energy, carbohydrate, fat, protein, pantothenic acid, Vitamin B, Vitamin C and various other mineral content. In a journal published in revealed that consumption of red ginger and honey can simultaneously create a relaxing effect on the mind and also maintains the body's immune system. This makes the benefits of ginger and honey is very good for public health problems.

SI red ginger also can cure rheumatism and stiff so for those who are accustomed to working weight shall consume them. Red ginger processing as rheumatic drugs fairly boiled with spices such as honey and drink regularly so that the body's vitality fitness back and re-prime. Red ginger can also reduce the risk of osteoporosis and as a headache remedy.

Consumption of Red Ginger and Honey as Antioxidants
Anti-oxidant is one type of material that is used to prevent and treat cancer. the benefits of red ginger and honey mixed with milk or tea can boost the natural antioxidant. Various types of free radicals that enter the body through food or dirty air turned out to be resisted with vitamin C derived from honey and ginger red. Decreased immune function due to cancer treatment could also be better with the consumption of red ginger and honey. These two ingredients contain natural anti-oxidant that is very high so it is important for the body. Honey can also be one of the substances that are very helpful in energy recovery in patients with diseases such as heart disease and cancer.

Benefits of red ginger to cough

Benefits of red ginger to cough and other drugs is clear and assured. Here we will discuss other matters of red ginger that you need to know. For those of you who want the ideal body weight should try ginger red tips for slimming the body. Based on studies conducted by the Institute for Human Nutrition at Columbia University, red ginger is processed into hot drinks effective for dieters because this hot ginger cause satiety for longer. In addition, red ginger has anti-inflammatory, detoxification and excellent for digestion. Ginger can also control appetite, burn fat in the body and process them into a source of energy.

Benefits of red ginger to your diet

The benefits of red ginger to your diet is already proven through scientific experiments reliable. Surely now you would like to try it. Yuk, make ginger in addition to your diet. Aside from being a stone medicine and diet, red ginger efficacious also reduces levels of bad cholesterol in the blood. Directly, red ginger can get rid of toxins so that everything that is not good immediately filtered. This bad cholesterol if it accumulates can clog blood circulation which leads to heart attack thus indirectly consume red ginger can reduce the risk of heart attacks and other dangerous diseases.

That red ginger efficacy benefits that we can share to you please diligent consumption of red ginger to get perfect results.

Benefits of a banana skin for facial beauty

Of course you are not familiar with the fruit shape is long and yellow. Besides the price is cheap and easy to find, for the health benefits of banana peel. Useful addition to beauty, skin banana skin useful as a traditional medicine.

Make sure you choose a banana skin clean and fresh to be used. Not to use the already dirty because it may contain disease-causing bacteria that actually cause health problems.

Benefits of a banana skin for beauty very interesting to discuss, this is because not many people know the efficacy of banana skin against skin beauty. Nahh for more details, here are the benefits of a banana skin for beauty skin.

 Remove dead skin cells

Dead skin cells causing the skin to appear dirty, greasy and dull. You do not have to worry about the situation, you need not go to a doctor or a skin specialist buy beauty products at exorbitant prices, you just need to take advantage of the banana peel to resolve the issue. The trick is you mash the banana peel to the manner in mash until smooth and then you stick on your skin evenly. Let stand for a few minutes you just rinse with water until clean.

Removing warts on the skin
To treat a wart, take advantage of a banana skin by brushing regularly every night. Within 1-2 weeks, the warts on the skin will be lost.

Relieve the pain of burns or scrapes
Usefulness next banana skin is to relieve the pain of burns or abrasions on the skin. Just attach the banana skin on the wound to provide pain relief.

Get rid of scars
Blackened scar on the skin can certainly ruin your beautiful appearance. Use the benefits of banana peel as a reliever these scars by means affixed or rubbed.

Thus the benefits of a banana skin for facial beauty. You can practice the tips above for tips above are proven. May the above information helpful. Thanks.
