Minggu, 01 Mei 2016

The benefits of a bay leaf for health and beauty

Bay leaf is one kitchen ingredients that are often used, either for cooking or for treatment. But that is often used is to mix cooking in order to be savory dishes.

The content of vitamins and minerals contained in the leaves is very good for health. Leaves for herbal medicine has been known since the first, but unfortunately has not been well-known as other herbal remedies.

Here are some of the benefits of a bay leaf for health and beauty, among others;

affect Cardiovascular

Of valuable compounds such as rutin, salicylate, caffeic acid and phytonutrients are powerful in bay leaves, can improve heart health and prevent stroke. Flavonoids help normalize blood in patients with hypertension. 10 bay leaves washed clean, then boiled leaves with three cups of water. Drink while warm once a day.

Bay leaves to the eye

The water decoction of leaves can also be used to treat an eye and maintain eye health. How to treat an eye with bay leaves are very simple, namely the cooking water leaves rubbed on the affected eye on a daily basis until healed.

Leaves for digestive health

The first benefit of bay leaves in addition to cooking that can help maintain digestive health in the body. The content of vitamins and minerals contained in the leaves can facilitate digestion and digestive problems such as diarrhea, constipation, and more. To cope with diarrhea using bay leaves easy way, that drinking boiled water leaves mixed with a little salt, drink this water when you have diarrhea.

Insect repellent

Bay leaves are a natural insect repellent with lauric acid content. Dish of leaves will repel insects. Oil of bay leaf extract is applied, will reduce the stings and insect bites.

Treatment of Kidney Disorders

Bay leaves will help treat kidney infection, and even kidney stones. Prescription medication is simply by boiling 5 grams of bay leaves and 200 ml of water and 50 ml of water. Strain and drink this concoction twice a day, to stop the formation of kidney stones.

Treatment of gout

Purine substances in the body can accumulate and cause asthma symptoms veins. We can take advantage of bay leaves to reduce uric acid. Way, take about 10 bay leaves and then wash clean. Boil 10 cups of water, until the water remaining 5 cups stay. Drinking this decoction twice a day this stew.

There are so many benefits that can be derived from the leaves ini.Semoga greeting useful for readers and good luck.


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