Selasa, 03 Mei 2016

The benefits of kale for health, beauty and traditional medicine

Swamp Cabbage is a vegetable that is very easy to find in the markets for planting easy so it can easily look it up.

Kale is not only to have a savory flavor to a side dish or snack k on behalf of the vegetables, but also saved more nutrient content. Such example is the minerals, vitamins, fat and water content. From each of these nutrients has the function good for health in humans.

Perhaps many do not know that the benefits of kale most unique and no one expected was his prowess in the fight against diabetes.

Improving the quality of the brain

Benefits kale with vitamin B complex and omega 3s help brain's performance better. So vegetable kale is excellent served to children in infancy, because it can increase intelligence.

Keeping Heart Health

Kale has important nutrients and content is quite high in vitamins A and C and beta-carotene. These nutrients can help reduce free radicals in the body (as an antioxidant) which can help prevent cholesterol from being oxidized. Oxidized cholesterol in blood vessel walls, leading to clogged arteries, heart attack or stroke. In addition, folate contained in kale can help to convert a potentially dangerous chemical called homocysteine, which in high levels can lead to heart attack or stroke. Magnesium is a mineral that lower blood pressure and protect against heart disease.

treating a nosebleed

Nosebleeds or bleeding of the nose can be overcome by kale vegetable. Where this green vegetable sapat used as a natural remedy for nosebleeds healing process that is often experienced by children. It begins to pound kale leaves that have been washed clean, then add brown sugar and hot water, then, mix well and filtered. Wait until cool and can be brewed for the baby or who have nosebleeds.

Helps lower cholesterol

For those of you who have high cholesterol levels, there is a good idea to regularly consume green vegetables, including kale. One study found that consumption of watercress regularly may help lower levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.

prevention of Anemia

Her body feels lethargic and weak with head feels dizzy you can be a sign of anemia. Kale there is no iron can stimulate the production of red blood cells in the body. It is also available on the benefits of sweet potatoes and beans such as the benefits of long beans or red beans benefits.

Treat toothache and swollen gums

Besides being able to be used as a hemorrhoid medicine, the root of watercress also has other benefits, namely treat toothache and a swollen or bleeding gums. Take a handful of kale rabut roots, boiled with 1 cup of water to the boil. Strain the water and add a few teaspoons of vinegar. The herb is used to rinse while warm.

That's her article about the benefits of kale for health, beauty and traditional medicine. May be useful for you and no longer underestimated vegetables that often we eat just because it can be obtained by already and it's cheap

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