Sabtu, 15 April 2017


Mushrooms are foods for health benefits, which does not only have a delicious flavor and delicious saja.Tetapi who need to keep in mind is that not all mushrooms that we can use for food ingredients. Just kind of edible mushroom that we can make a wide variety of recipes mushrooms and processed mushrooms were tasty and delicious, such as oyster mushrooms.

Mushrooms can be cooked by disayur sauce, sauteed or fried crisp disayur. But the food of the fungus is much preferred fungus is crispy.Jamur crispy oyster mushrooms wrapped in rice flour and cornstarch are fried until crispy. Selection of oyster mushrooms is not simply because the only type of fungus, but it does among other things, the oyster mushroom is the most content of beta-glucan (one komponon fungal cell wall constituent) was easily diluted back.

Well, talking about mushroom dishes, this time I had the mushroom recipe that is sure to be liked by everyone. The recipe is a recipe for crispy oyster mushrooms are tasty and crunchy.

Mushroom Recipe Ingredients Crispy Crunchy

250 gr oyster mushrooms
Many cooking oil to deep fry
material Dyers
2 tablespoons flour
1 Btr eggs
3 cloves garlic, crushed
1 tsp salt
1/2 teaspoon bouillon powder
1/2 teaspoon ground pepper
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
150 ml of ice water


250 gr flour
2 tbsp rice flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon ground pepper
1/2 teaspoon bouillon powder
1 tsp salt

How to Make Crispy Crunchy Mushrooms

- The clean, then wash clean oyster mushrooms. Sumwir-shredded with a longitudinal groove, then wring out and drain.
-, Make dough dyers. Combine all ingredients and stir well to form a dough liquid. Set aside.
-, Make the batter coating. Combine all ingredients and then stir well. It would be better if all the sifted ingredients that can be mixed evenly without lumps of one of the ingredients. Set aside.
-, Heat oil rather many, the benchmark that fungi can be submerged when fried. Heat until really hot over medium heat.
-, Take mushroom pieces, dip into the batter then roll over the dough dye coating. Knead gently by hand so that the flour sticks to the mushrooms.
-, fried mushrooms to mature and change color to golden brown. Remove and drain.
-, Serve crispy mushrooms along with supplementary materials such as tomato sauce, chili or even saua miscellaneous taste seasoning powder.

That's the recipe to make a crispy oyster mushrooms tasty, crunchy. The recipes are very easy is not it? Dish can be enjoyed as a snack or can be as a side dish.
Good luck and hopefully this recipe at home like family. ^ ___ ^

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