Did you know the red ginger rhizome which also has the Latin name Zingiber officinale Rosc. Red ginger is very different from the ginger that we usually buy and there is a market. Red ginger has a smaller shape than both and is red. Red Ginger is recognized as the most ginger has many benefits.
Potions of red ginger has existed since ancient times because it has many benefits such as melancarakan urination, reduce fat, to be able to strengthen ejaculation in men.
Here are the hidden benefits of red ginger for men:
1. Improving Fertility and Vitality of Men
For those of you who have vitality issues, try red ginger as an alternative treatment. Red Ginger has Manganese content which can help in formation and release of Testosterone hormone for men. So as to increase male vitality. For those of you who have vitality issues, try taking them regularly.
2. Strengthens Sperm Resistance
Sperm must penetrate the defense of the immune system of women and also have to compete with millions of other sperm to reach the egg. The most powerful sperm will arrive first to the egg when compared to the others. Quoted from susukedelaiplus.wordpress.com, compounds that exist in red ginger can help strengthen the sperm endurance that must penetrate the female immune system and also to smooth the blood flow. The researchers also revealed that antioxidants in red ginger make sperm more agile when competing against other sperm. The more antikosidan present in the sperm, the sperm will be more agile. The trick is to make a concoction consisting of red ginger 10 gr, 10 grams of perfumed lempu, 5 grams of coriander, 10 g of temulawak, 1 tablespoon of honey and 100 cc hot water. All the ingredients are finely mashed then brewed with hot water and add a spoon of honey. Then drink this herb at night while still warm.
So 2 The hidden benefits of red ginger for priar, may be useful. good luck
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