Jumat, 21 April 2017

The Two Hidden Benefits Of Red Ginger For Men

Did you know the red ginger rhizome which also has the Latin name Zingiber officinale Rosc. Red ginger is very different from the ginger that we usually buy and there is a market. Red ginger has a smaller shape than both and is red. Red Ginger is recognized as the most ginger has many benefits.

Potions of red ginger has existed since ancient times because it has many benefits such as melancarakan urination, reduce fat, to be able to strengthen ejaculation in men.

Here are the hidden benefits of red ginger for men:

1. Improving Fertility and Vitality of Men
For those of you who have vitality issues, try red ginger as an alternative treatment. Red Ginger has Manganese content which can help in formation and release of Testosterone hormone for men. So as to increase male vitality. For those of you who have vitality issues, try taking them regularly.

2. Strengthens Sperm Resistance

Sperm must penetrate the defense of the immune system of women and also have to compete with millions of other sperm to reach the egg. The most powerful sperm will arrive first to the egg when compared to the others. Quoted from susukedelaiplus.wordpress.com, compounds that exist in red ginger can help strengthen the sperm endurance that must penetrate the female immune system and also to smooth the blood flow. The researchers also revealed that antioxidants in red ginger make sperm more agile when competing against other sperm. The more antikosidan present in the sperm, the sperm will be more agile. The trick is to make a concoction consisting of red ginger 10 gr, 10 grams of perfumed lempu, 5 grams of coriander, 10 g of temulawak, 1 tablespoon of honey and 100 cc hot water. All the ingredients are finely mashed then brewed with hot water and add a spoon of honey. Then drink this herb at night while still warm.

So 2 The hidden benefits of red ginger for priar, may be useful. good luck


Make Your Own Red Ginger Extract

Lately many people are turning to consume herbal medicine in treating and preventing from attacks of all kinds of diseases. One of the many herbal remedies that are red ginger.

Ginger is one of the herbs that has a distinctive spicy flavor and its ability to provide warmth to the body to make ginger as one of the prima donna commodities. Red ginger also has a variety of health benefits, such as treating digestive disorders, kidneys, impotence, dizziness, sore rheumatic, colds and blood circulation.

Now we can buy ginger extract in stores and pharmacies as they are available. You can also make red ginger extract with your own hands.

First prepare the ingredients:

Ginger Elephant is approximately 1 kg

Sugar to taste according to taste

7 pieces of pandan leaves

5 stem of lemongrass leaves

10 leaves of lime leaves

3 cups water

How to make red ginger powder:

1. Clean the ginger we have prepared. If ginger is very dirty, you can use a soft brush to clean the surface. Ginger must be really clean because to make instant ginger we do not need to peel the skin of ginger.

2.The ginger cut is further blended until smooth. To simplify the process, add two glasses of water. Once smooth, strain and discard the dregs. Apply for 20 minutes and separate sediment.

3. While waiting for the ginger to settle, boil the pandan leaves, lemongrass leaves, orange leaves with a glass of water. Let it boil halfway. Strain.

4. Separate the red ginger filter water with the pearls.

5. Put the ginger water into the pandan stew and add sugar, then cook with low heat and do not forget to always stir it. Cook until the brown sugar grains and smooth, then lift and strain.

6. Red ginger powder instana then store in a closed container. If saved, will hold for 6 months.

Easy is not how to make instant ginger? Good luck!


Sabtu, 15 April 2017


Mushrooms are foods for health benefits, which does not only have a delicious flavor and delicious saja.Tetapi who need to keep in mind is that not all mushrooms that we can use for food ingredients. Just kind of edible mushroom that we can make a wide variety of recipes mushrooms and processed mushrooms were tasty and delicious, such as oyster mushrooms.

Mushrooms can be cooked by disayur sauce, sauteed or fried crisp disayur. But the food of the fungus is much preferred fungus is crispy.Jamur crispy oyster mushrooms wrapped in rice flour and cornstarch are fried until crispy. Selection of oyster mushrooms is not simply because the only type of fungus, but it does among other things, the oyster mushroom is the most content of beta-glucan (one komponon fungal cell wall constituent) was easily diluted back.

Well, talking about mushroom dishes, this time I had the mushroom recipe that is sure to be liked by everyone. The recipe is a recipe for crispy oyster mushrooms are tasty and crunchy.

Mushroom Recipe Ingredients Crispy Crunchy

250 gr oyster mushrooms
Many cooking oil to deep fry
material Dyers
2 tablespoons flour
1 Btr eggs
3 cloves garlic, crushed
1 tsp salt
1/2 teaspoon bouillon powder
1/2 teaspoon ground pepper
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
150 ml of ice water


250 gr flour
2 tbsp rice flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon ground pepper
1/2 teaspoon bouillon powder
1 tsp salt

How to Make Crispy Crunchy Mushrooms

- The clean, then wash clean oyster mushrooms. Sumwir-shredded with a longitudinal groove, then wring out and drain.
-, Make dough dyers. Combine all ingredients and stir well to form a dough liquid. Set aside.
-, Make the batter coating. Combine all ingredients and then stir well. It would be better if all the sifted ingredients that can be mixed evenly without lumps of one of the ingredients. Set aside.
-, Heat oil rather many, the benchmark that fungi can be submerged when fried. Heat until really hot over medium heat.
-, Take mushroom pieces, dip into the batter then roll over the dough dye coating. Knead gently by hand so that the flour sticks to the mushrooms.
-, fried mushrooms to mature and change color to golden brown. Remove and drain.
-, Serve crispy mushrooms along with supplementary materials such as tomato sauce, chili or even saua miscellaneous taste seasoning powder.

That's the recipe to make a crispy oyster mushrooms tasty, crunchy. The recipes are very easy is not it? Dish can be enjoyed as a snack or can be as a side dish.
Good luck and hopefully this recipe at home like family. ^ ___ ^


Jumat, 14 April 2017


Ginger is a plant that has many benefits for human health can include anti-inflammatory, detoxification and good for digestive health.

But there are other benefits that the hidden within the red ginger plant is that it can make the body become langsing.Karena benefits ginger can be used for a diet to lose weight quickly and naturally and can streamline the bloated stomach sagging.

As reported by health.com, in a study conducted by researchers at the Institute for Human Nutrition at Columbia University, found that adding ginger hot drinks to diet, will make feel full longer.

The study also found that ginger can make you a better appetite control. Benefits of ginger in the diet aid is, can enhance the thermal effect of the body, strengthen the functions of metabolism, as detoxification and increase fat burning process. Thermal effect is, the body's ability to burn fat and process it into energy.

Simply by drinking ginger concoction you've been able to lose weight and slimming. It seems very simple, you just drink of ginger and honey can be beneficial to eliminate fatty deposits in the body. In addition to weight loss, benefits of ginger for this diet is also believed to improve the health of the body.

How to make a drink Diet With Ginger Tea


2 cloves fresh ginger or ginger red, if applicable. Fuel moment.

Green tea or black tea bags.

Brown sugar to taste.

How to make:

Brewed tea with hot water, add the sliced ​​ginger and brown sugar give taste. Drink while warm.

To drink this potion drink preferably in the morning at the time before or after breakfast. Re-typing and drinking at lunch and dinner. It would be nice if during this diet to avoid fatty and fried foods. Sleep enough, multiply to consume fruits and vegetables, and do not forget to avoid snacking at bedtime.

Such reviews about the benefits of ginger for home diet to lose weight quickly and naturally. I hope this info is useful for all readers, especially for those who want to lose weight naturally. good luck and healthy greetings !!


Senin, 05 Desember 2016

Doughnuts are made from banana peels

The emergence of the idea to make donuts from banana peel banana peel stems from the use of it as organic waste is attempted to be utilized significantly so as expected sale value. Banana skin turned out to have a nutrient content is quite high, especially in vitamins and minerals.

Lecturer Faculty of Agriculture, Food Technology Studies Program University Dr Soetomo (Unitomo) Surabaya, Dawn Kurnia Hartati, has been making donuts from banana skin which contains calcium, protein and high in carbohydrates.

"Donuts from banana peel has a calcium content of about 945.3 grams, 86.19 grams of carbohydrates and protein to 18.56 grams. All banana peel can be used as a donut dough according to recipe. The banana peel can also be used a substitute or reduce flour wheat, "he said in Surabaya on Thursday.

According to him, the raw material for making donuts are wheat flour, while wheat flour is still imported. "The use of banana peels can be used to replace or reduce flour by about 20 percent," he said.

He said the banana skin types used are banana kamplong.

How to manufacture donuts banana peel? Here's what happens:

1.Bersihkan banana peel, wash them clean

2.Rebus banana peel until soft

3.Blender banana skin to disintegrate

4.Campurkan flour and banana peels that have been blended with a ratio of 1: 2 (1 part flour, 2 parts of a banana skin blender)

5. Add sugar, margarine, egg yolks and yeast baking, knead until dough is smooth

6.Diamkan 20 minutes, cover with a clean cloth

Average 7.Setelah it for the dough and shape into donuts

8.Diamkan a few moments, then fried with a low heat until cooked (tawny)

9.Dinginkan, give a sprinkling of powdered sugar and donatpun ready to eat.

Pretty simple is not the manufacturing process? good luck and praktekn yourself in your kitchen.


Utilizing banana peel into a tissue

Banana skin will usually be thrown away after eating its contents, but in the hands of the hands of the students of Department of Chemistry Education UNY, it turns banana peels can be used as alternative to the manufacture of tissue. They are Jovita Ridhani, Laela Mukaromah, Monica Azizu Haqi, Dhani Priantoro, Achmad N. Crescent
besides banana peel waste are found in areas that produce the chips and sale of bananas and still can not be used by people around.
Jovita who is head of the team stated that the banana peel texture is thick and contains cellulose which is a tissue making materials. Moreover, it turns banana peel contains vitamin C, B, calcium, protein and fat is also pretty good. So the banana skin has many benefits for the skin as it removes acne, psoriasis, warts eliminate small, helps the wound to dry faster and others'
Here is the process of making paper from banana skins:

1. Rinse with distilled water banana peel, slice a banana peel into small pieces as necessary. Do not forget to wear gloves when cutting.

2. Drain all the slices of banana skin to sunlight over nyiru and mixing dry banana peels, water, and NaOH crystals in a pan with a composition ratio of a banana skin, water, and Crystal NaOH.

3. Furthermore, boiled mixture of these ingredients in a large saucepan until approximately 1.5 hours to eliminate NaOH followed by washing thoroughly in order not to leave the smell of pemasaknya solution.

4. Soak in a solution of chlorine for 1 hour, wash with clean water until the smell of chlorine is lost then the dough is soft puree in a blender.

5. Mix by as much as 1.5 kg Talcum into the dough or batter and dilute the pulp to be produced paper thin. Next, pour the mixture into the basin width smooth. Place the sponge on the table, then put a cloth soaked in it.

6. Strain the mixture (not too thick) in the basin using screen printing and screen printing place above the sponge that has been coated fabric upside down, rub a little screen and lift it carefully, then cover with a cloth that has been dampened.

7. Add one more layer of wet cloth. Lift pairs by and basking in the hot areas and then board pairs by fabric and open slowly.

8. The next step, do Pull Resistance Test (tensile strength), test thickness, grammage or weight Base Tissue Paper.

Is as it use banana skin into the tissue, may be useful.


Minggu, 20 November 2016


How To Grow Hydroponics Kale with Bottles Used

Hydroponics is ssalah one way of growing vegetables and fruits that baik.Hidroponik itself is a way to cultivate plants using water as the planting medium.

Planted spinach can indeed be said to be easier and more profitable if you use how to grow hydroponic watercress. The reason, this technique does not require much space and cost.

Hydroponic farming with complete equipment and supplies typically require large upfront costs. For just a hobby or avocation channel gardening equipment and materials could be questioned with inexpensive materials simple and there around the house is by using bottles.

Here is an explanation of the steps that must be done in a hydroponic planting secar:

- Bottled mineral water marks

- Seed kale can be purchased at the farm shop '

- The solution fertilizer, or other names that hydroponics nutrients

- Husk

- Knife cutter or scissors

Step Model Making Bottles Resting

In this model the bottle is positioned as the horizontal pipe. Calculated while learning if interested in hydroponics using PVC pipe or a long pralon. These models include floating raft without using axes.


Small glass that has been provided by the holes evenly on bottom and side play. These glasses will be used to husk fuel container and the planting kale.

Aqua bottle horizontally in a horizontal position, and the top is made of two holes just large enough to insert a plastic cup earlier. If used bottles of greater length can be added to the number of holes. This aqua bottle will serve for a hydroponic nutrient solution. Do not forget to leave a hole with solder or nail / wire heated in some parts of the bottle for air circulation place. These holes were made above the water level hydroponic solution.

Seed kale previously been sowing, planting medium is taken and shipped cleaned with water. Can be directly on the shower faucet or in a bucket. After the root kale put in a plastic cup with the root position partially removed through the bottom of the hole, so that it will directly touch the nutrient solution. Husk fuel then ditimbunkan into plastic cups until the plant can stand upright. Flush with water.

Add water nutrients into bottles and plastic cups inserted into the hole.

Kale hydroponic bottle 1 day after planting.

In order for this round shape bottles are in a horizontal position is not overturned, could be combined two or three bottles at once with a rope or merged by way disteples on its side.

Step Making Moodel Bottle Stand

- Cut into 2 parts of mineral water bottles, about a third of the head botol.Kemudian put the top upside down to tembat planting medium.

- On the lid and surrounding created hole as the circulation of water, air and roots exit. Bottle body portion is also perforated for air circulation.

- Then input the floral foam soaked approximately 15-20 minutes that the center has been hollowed to put the seeds of kale. If the roots are too short, can find some way with the installation of the fabric to wick water from the bottom can rise to the top of the media and rooting (wick system / system axis).

- Fill the bottle body with hydroponic nutrient solution, do not need to be soaked all pretty until most of the roots are located underneath the lid of the bottle, just waiting for the plants grow and thrive.

Keep in mind that hydroponic plants also need sunlight and also keep from being exposed to rain so not too dilute nutrient solution. and also always provide nutrients regularly so the plant gets enough nutrients.

During the try.
