Minggu, 20 November 2016


How To Grow Hydroponics Kale with Bottles Used

Hydroponics is ssalah one way of growing vegetables and fruits that baik.Hidroponik itself is a way to cultivate plants using water as the planting medium.

Planted spinach can indeed be said to be easier and more profitable if you use how to grow hydroponic watercress. The reason, this technique does not require much space and cost.

Hydroponic farming with complete equipment and supplies typically require large upfront costs. For just a hobby or avocation channel gardening equipment and materials could be questioned with inexpensive materials simple and there around the house is by using bottles.

Here is an explanation of the steps that must be done in a hydroponic planting secar:

- Bottled mineral water marks

- Seed kale can be purchased at the farm shop '

- The solution fertilizer, or other names that hydroponics nutrients

- Husk

- Knife cutter or scissors

Step Model Making Bottles Resting

In this model the bottle is positioned as the horizontal pipe. Calculated while learning if interested in hydroponics using PVC pipe or a long pralon. These models include floating raft without using axes.


Small glass that has been provided by the holes evenly on bottom and side play. These glasses will be used to husk fuel container and the planting kale.

Aqua bottle horizontally in a horizontal position, and the top is made of two holes just large enough to insert a plastic cup earlier. If used bottles of greater length can be added to the number of holes. This aqua bottle will serve for a hydroponic nutrient solution. Do not forget to leave a hole with solder or nail / wire heated in some parts of the bottle for air circulation place. These holes were made above the water level hydroponic solution.

Seed kale previously been sowing, planting medium is taken and shipped cleaned with water. Can be directly on the shower faucet or in a bucket. After the root kale put in a plastic cup with the root position partially removed through the bottom of the hole, so that it will directly touch the nutrient solution. Husk fuel then ditimbunkan into plastic cups until the plant can stand upright. Flush with water.

Add water nutrients into bottles and plastic cups inserted into the hole.

Kale hydroponic bottle 1 day after planting.

In order for this round shape bottles are in a horizontal position is not overturned, could be combined two or three bottles at once with a rope or merged by way disteples on its side.

Step Making Moodel Bottle Stand

- Cut into 2 parts of mineral water bottles, about a third of the head botol.Kemudian put the top upside down to tembat planting medium.

- On the lid and surrounding created hole as the circulation of water, air and roots exit. Bottle body portion is also perforated for air circulation.

- Then input the floral foam soaked approximately 15-20 minutes that the center has been hollowed to put the seeds of kale. If the roots are too short, can find some way with the installation of the fabric to wick water from the bottom can rise to the top of the media and rooting (wick system / system axis).

- Fill the bottle body with hydroponic nutrient solution, do not need to be soaked all pretty until most of the roots are located underneath the lid of the bottle, just waiting for the plants grow and thrive.

Keep in mind that hydroponic plants also need sunlight and also keep from being exposed to rain so not too dilute nutrient solution. and also always provide nutrients regularly so the plant gets enough nutrients.

During the try.


Benefits of cucumber juice for Healthy Hair

Hair is an important asset for everyone, especially for a woman and for maintaining healthy hair is not an easy thing to dilakukan.Kesibukan everyday activities sometimes makes you forget to keep and care for the beauty of your hair?

But you know, there is a simple hair care treatments that can be done at home? You only need to prepare Cucumbers are easily found to be a cucumber drinks jus.Karena helpful for maintaining healthy hair to make the hair to be healthy, beautiful, smooth shiny.

Cucumber contains Vitamin A, Silica, Potassium, Alkali Minerals, Molybdenem, Vitamin C, Manganese, Tryotophan, Magnesium, and Chlorophyll. The ingredients in cucumbers that are beneficial for the hair is silica. Try just check the ingredients of some shampoos that are popular in the market, mostly containing silica as a main ingredient. In shampoos, silica is used to coat and protect the hair, allowing hair to be healthy and beautiful.

From a variety of existing content, cucumbers can be useful for the health and beauty of hair.

There are several ways to nourish your hair, consider the following reviews.
- Consume in juice form
  Cucumbers consumed in juice form can be useful to help hair growth.
  Because it contains silicon, sodium sulfur, phosphorus and calcium. Thus, the hair loss problem will be solved

- Strengthen the hair shaft, so it is not easily broken. Namely with Drinking cucumber juice can be beneficial for the treatment of the inside. Treatment from the outside can be done by applying cucumber juice on the hair shaft.

- Use cucumber juice to rinse hair, can make hair softer and shiny

- Consuming cucumbers direct secar regularly also helps to nourish the hair and body in general from within.

Thus the benefit of cucumber juice for healthy hair, may be useful and good luck.


Senin, 07 November 2016

How to make candied mango recipe easy wet

Young mango has a sour taste if consumed directly. For pregnant women young mango really enjoy doing, but to be some people really do not like going to taste sour. Hence many are making young mango be processed really enjoy doing is to process them into sweets.

Confection is certainly delicious on the tongue, and you can try how to make candied mango wet and dry at home for a snack. With candied mango recipe, the fruit was sour could taste sweeter and can be consumed also to release dahaga.buah mango has a genuine taste delicious, fresh and crisp if made preserves or pickles.

Candied Mango Muda This is the most favorite sweets made especially if it is the mango season. If you want super spicy flavor just add a lot of chili according to your tastes.

Here's How to Make Candied Mango Recipes Wet:


1 kg young mango
200 ml water
350 gr sugar
8 curly red chilies sliced ​​oblique
½ tsp salt
Yellow food coloring to taste


Raw mango Soak in cold water plus 1 tablespoon water whiting. Let stand overnight and discard the water.
Place the mango in a glass jar.
Boil water, sugar, chili and salt until boiling. Chill.
Pour in a glass jar. Let stand overnight.
Drain and discard the water.
Chill. Enter manganese. Keep refrigerated

Similarly, how to make candied mango recipe easy wet that can be tried at home! Good luck


Sabtu, 05 November 2016

Benefits of Eating Bananas for Heart Health

Including plant banana trees are ideal if you see how much of the plant that can be used. It felt almost all parts of the banana trees can be used. However, other parts of the tree also offers many health benefits, including heart bananas.

Heart bananas were not in the trunk, but outside of the stem, rather hang together bananas. Banana heart this is where bananas come from, if there will be observed a small flowering banana shape in every part of the heart of the banana. Section which has a red color like mahogany fruit turned out to have health benefits especially can be made diet program menu.

Banana also contains the benefits of vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin C and essential minerals such as phosphorus, calcium and Fe (iron). The nutritional content of the full, anyone would be tempted to cultivate banana into food and the food was delicious.

Here are some health benefits of bananas that could interest us summarize:

Menu Program Diet

One of the benefits of banana are unable to lose weight, so it can make more slender body like a dream of every women. This is because the high fiber content that can make the stomach stays full longer and a little fat around 0.3 grams / 25 grams of banana. So, banana shall be entered into the list of diet program menu.

Treating and Preventing Stroke

Banana heart it can also prevent stroke is classified as a chronic disease. In addition, the nutritional content of banana can prevent inflammation of the brain. So, banana than as food diet can also treat and prevent stroke.

counteracting Infection

One of the benefits of banana was amazing was in ward off infection. Banana treat infections, thanks to its ethanol extract. Banana inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria. Some of them are subtalis bacillus, bacillus cereus and Escherichia coli. Banana also helps heal wounds. According to one study, extracts of banana can also inhibit growth of the malaria parasite. However, this claim has not been proven.

Reducing the Free Radical Activity

The presence of free radicals in the body can cause serious problems. Fortunately, the methanol extract is in the heart of the banana has antioxidant properties. The content of this perfectly handle free radicals that cause damage to the body. They overcome many health problems, such as premature aging and cancer. To make this banana heart function effectively as an antioxidant agent, put into the inside of your health food supplements

Preventing and treating diabetes

A low glycemic index at the heart of the banana is good for diabetics. In addition, the banana also can bind to cholesterol and bad fats which will be issued together with the dirt, so it is useful also for the digestive system.

preventing cancer

Reducing the effects of free radicals which these free radicals can cause damage to organ performance, because the system of oxidation resulted in aging in some cells. Estrak methanol in the heart of the banana has a character such as the benefits of antioxidants, which are excellent for preventing free radicals.

Controlling blood during menstruation

This happens because the banana is boiled has the power to control the hormone progesterone that would control the discharge of menstrual blood.

Breastfeeding help

A woman who had become mothers face many problems when dealing with the process of breastfeeding. One of the main problems they face is the reduction in milk supply. Heart bananas increase the milk supply that helps new mothers to feed their infants with better both young.

It turned out that the benefits of banana for health is enormous, so please do not hesitate to consume them. good luck


Two benefits of corn for face masks

The desire of every woman is able to have white skin and bright. Besides having a white face women also wanted to get rid of skin problems on her face. Pockmark or black spots such as acne scars that make a separate panic for women. In addition to making the appearance look less than perfect, pockmarks and black stain was also greatly affect a person's self confidence.

For those who bearsal of Java, especially in the area of ​​East Java, may already be familiar with corn mask used for the treatment of chicken pox scars. This treatment is a treatment fairly powerful enough and a lot once done by the Javanese. Not only that turns corn can be used as a mask for the removal of black spots on the face. And many women also have beauty care facial skin with corn, even according to the study, corn mask can also pave the pockmarked face

Having done research by health experts, it turns out corn contains nutrients and vitamins are very important for skin health and the human body, the contents are vitamin A, B12, B5, C, potassium, protein, fiber, and more If you are not too fond of chemical-based treatments you can try to benefit these young corn. Besides being very safe for health and does not cause side effects, the benefits of corn for facial acne is also very good for the skin of your face.

But to keep in mind. There are three kinds of important substances contained in corn whose primary function is as a black stain remover and bleach natural face. This vital substance is vitamin A, vitamin C and citric acid. The content of vitamin C in maize act as an anti-oxidant skin, one of the anti-oxidant substances that are important for skin health is lycopene. Benefits of anti-oxidants for the skin is able to guard against free radicals that can have a bad effect on the skin, such as the onset of wrinkles, dark spots, and other problems. Besides the content of vitamin A in corn can also help brighten the skin, and black blemishes, scars or blemishes on the face and body skin.

Here is how to make a mask of corn

1. For the latest brighten and whiten face

- First of all, please prepare a young corn. Then peel wash them clean. Grate the corn, if the result is less tender, you can soften the corn with a blender.

- After the corn has been smooth, smooth on the face evenly. Allow it to dry, and if it is dry rinse the face with warm ait first. Once clean, rinse your face with a new cold ait. Perform this treatment regularly 2 times a week. Then the result will be that you can see.

2. To remove the black spots, acne scars and chicken pox scars on face

-First Prepare papaya and sweet corn

-Cuci Corn until clean, then take part corn seeds only, and store in a container.

-Cuci Until berih papaya leaves, and sliced ​​into sections.

-Masukan Young corn seeds and leaves of papaya fruit into a blender, and puree until smooth.

-After Corn seeds and leaves of papaya fruit into a soft dough, then the next is ready for use.

-Terapkanlah Dough in the troubled areas of the skin, leave on for 20 to 30 minutes, then rinse with clean water.

-Lakukanlah How this treatment routinely and regularly to mendaparaptkan satisfactory results.

Those are some ways to use masks corn, may be useful.


Rabu, 02 November 2016

Lose Weight Using bay leaves

Du leaves often used as a supplement to make a dish. And bay leaves is very known well in improving fat metabolism, reduce kelesterol bad, controlling blood sugar levels and reduce appetite, so it is very useful in weight loss or obesity.

Bay leaves are aromatic leaves are included in the family Lauraceae. Fresh bay leaves have a dark green color on the top and a little lighter on the bottom. Bay leaf contains Vitamins A, C itamin, Manganese, Iron, Calcium, Potassium, and Magnesium.

Perhaps you are still curious about the efficacy of bay leaves to diet and want to try it yourself to prove his usefulness. If so, it would not hurt to try. Here herb leaves are quite popular:

Material :

- Approximately 30 bay leaves

- 2 cups water

How to make :

- Boil 2 cups of water and after boiling enter the bay leaf

- Cook until the water used to boil in half

- Then lift and serve when it was cold.

Easy is not how to make it? Live boil all the ingredients and get the properties of bay leaves to the diet.

By consuming boiled water bay leaves on a regular basis, in addition to fat in the body will quickly burn so the weight can be quickly dropped, is also beneficial to minimize the levels of cholesterol in the body so that it can reduce the risk of stroke and high blood pressure.

That's the benefit of bay leaves for Weight Loss diet that has been practiced for generations although clinical trials have not been done to prove it scientifically

Hopefully useful and good luck


How To Lose Weight using Lime In 21 Days

Do you know of lime can also be used for weight loss anda.Karena in orange juice contains compounds that good and balanced in helping unutuk lose weight.

There is no doubt that the lime has a positive effect on the body. According to some studies suggest that a diet jik uses lime can lose excess weight.

Many people are willing to do a variety of ways for losing weight quickly, and often they are wrong in doing the diet program. A diet that suppress appetite and even skip a meal is the wrong way to diet because it can make the body become less fit to cause pain.

Vitamin C contained in lime is the most important nutrient in helping to lose weight, because vitamin C works to help the body absorb calcium in fat cells. Besides vitamin C is an indispensable component of the body in the process of synthesis of carnitine. In which carnitine is a molecule in the body that has a role in processing fat transport to be converted into energy.

Here's How To Lose Weight using Lime In 21 Days

1. Take the lemon and then squeeze and pour in the glass.

2. Pour warm water in the glass.

3. If the taste is too sour you can add by using honey. Stir until mixed and then drink.

To get the maximum results should be routine to consume in the morning when the stomach is empty.

Thus the way to lose weight using lime within 21 days. Good luck.


Selasa, 01 November 2016

Tips and Tricks How to make yogurt from milk Complete Easy

Yogurt is a snack that is currently very popular by all people, but yogurt is well known as complementary foods for dieting.

Consuming yogurt regularly can help keep your digestive health and family. Healthy digestion will make the body's resistance is maintained.

Yogurt is made from fermented milk made with the specific bacteria controlled environment. Milk fermented by bacteria will elaborate sugars and release lactic acid as the rest of the fermentation. Lactic acid is good for health, the lactic acid produced from the fermentation of the milk sugar in milk protein plays a role in producing a gel texture and unique aroma in yogurt.

Usually yogurt sold in supermarkets as well as in supermarkets, those of you who would like yogurt, you can make yourself at home and be able to determine the flavors according to your taste.

Make yogurt in your kitchen is not difficult. The materials needed to make the yogurt is :

1 liter whole milk

1/2 cup starter yogurt or plain yogurt (yogurt containing live bacteria / bacteria probiotics)

Here are the steps to make yogurt:

1. Pour milk into a saucepan and heat using the stove over low heat, stirring gently, can also use the oven with the temperature up to 85 degrees Celsius. Need to be considered during the process of warming do not let boil milk and charred on the bottom. This process aims to change the structure of the milk protein that turns into a solid.

2. Cool the milk to a temperature of 25-30 degrees Celsius slowly, cover with a clean cloth so that no other bacteria that interfere

3. After that, if the dough has reached the desired temperature, then pour plain yogurt or yogurt with bacteria surviving into the pan of milk batter earlier. stir again until the dough with milk and plain yogurt mixed with good and average.

4. Move the liquid milk plain yogurt mixed in a clean container, and the lid tightly using a plastic that meeting with the purpose of the incubation process is going well.

5. When the incubation process occurs, allow the liquid yogurt for liquid yogurt so bacteria grow and develop. Make sure the temperature of the incubation process occurs when there is at 38 degrees Celsius. This process will take as long as seven hours. The longer ignored then the acidity level will be higher and will become more viscous texture.

6. After incubation is complete, cool the thickened yogurt in a few hours before you consume them. It aims to preserve and add to the expiration time of yogurt for 1-2 weeks

7. The final step after the liquid yogurt allowed to stand for 7 hours or more according to the desired consistency, yogurt is tasty and healthy home is ready to be enjoyed.

How to Make Yogurt recipe, it's easy is not it? Good luck.



Are you for finding it hard to lose weight, and have done various diets right but not being successful. But do not be too desperate, you can go on a diet pineapple.

Reported by livestrong.com, pineapple turns out you can consume within 3 day diet that will help release the fat in the body. Pineapple Diet was originally discovered by Joann Metzger who now develops dietary supplements of pineapple. Metzger revealed that he could lose weight up to 20 kg within a period of 6 weeks with this pineapple diet program.

Pineapple also apparently has a lot of vitamin content along with minerals which is very good for health Kita.Selain the fiber contained in the pineapple was able to assist in the conduct of your diet program. Pineapple is a fruit diet is very effective because it can reduce your weight by smoothing the body's digestive system so that all the dirt in the body can be discarded.

In order for the pineapple diet program is successful, the pineapple diet should also be in the mix with the tuna. It makes you have to eat tuna also for the body's protein needs. The timing of that is, you should be eating pineapple with white water in the first day, then on the second day you should consume tuna fish 2 times a day along with pineapple and white water. and on the third day you can repeat such manner as the first day

This diet is not recommended for those who have digestive disorders Ladies. Unfortunately, this diet also included one diet a bit difficult to follow because many are allergic to pineapple. Acid contained pineapple sometimes can cause sores in the mouth and tongue. Tuna itself contains high concentrations of mercury which can sometimes cause headaches. This diet also if not done regularly can make weight already dropped back riding.

But there are other ways to diet pineapple is as quoted from the site health101.com, a combination of diet pineapple instead of the tuna, but using chicken for protein intake in the body. Here's how diet pineapple diet program

Breakfast: Low-fat yogurt, oatmeal, and 3 pieces of pineapple

Snack: 1 slice of bread Gandun roasted, 1 cup pineapple juice, and 1 hard-boiled egg

Lunch: grilled fish or chicken, vegetable soup

Dinner: pineapple and chicken salad.

In order for a diet program to lose weight fast you work, you should consume fresh pineapple, pineapple fruit is not already packed with cans. That is the explanation of how diet with pineapple, hopefully your diet program successfully.
