Senin, 05 Desember 2016

Doughnuts are made from banana peels

The emergence of the idea to make donuts from banana peel banana peel stems from the use of it as organic waste is attempted to be utilized significantly so as expected sale value. Banana skin turned out to have a nutrient content is quite high, especially in vitamins and minerals.

Lecturer Faculty of Agriculture, Food Technology Studies Program University Dr Soetomo (Unitomo) Surabaya, Dawn Kurnia Hartati, has been making donuts from banana skin which contains calcium, protein and high in carbohydrates.

"Donuts from banana peel has a calcium content of about 945.3 grams, 86.19 grams of carbohydrates and protein to 18.56 grams. All banana peel can be used as a donut dough according to recipe. The banana peel can also be used a substitute or reduce flour wheat, "he said in Surabaya on Thursday.

According to him, the raw material for making donuts are wheat flour, while wheat flour is still imported. "The use of banana peels can be used to replace or reduce flour by about 20 percent," he said.

He said the banana skin types used are banana kamplong.

How to manufacture donuts banana peel? Here's what happens:

1.Bersihkan banana peel, wash them clean

2.Rebus banana peel until soft

3.Blender banana skin to disintegrate

4.Campurkan flour and banana peels that have been blended with a ratio of 1: 2 (1 part flour, 2 parts of a banana skin blender)

5. Add sugar, margarine, egg yolks and yeast baking, knead until dough is smooth

6.Diamkan 20 minutes, cover with a clean cloth

Average 7.Setelah it for the dough and shape into donuts

8.Diamkan a few moments, then fried with a low heat until cooked (tawny)

9.Dinginkan, give a sprinkling of powdered sugar and donatpun ready to eat.

Pretty simple is not the manufacturing process? good luck and praktekn yourself in your kitchen.

Utilizing banana peel into a tissue

Banana skin will usually be thrown away after eating its contents, but in the hands of the hands of the students of Department of Chemistry Education UNY, it turns banana peels can be used as alternative to the manufacture of tissue. They are Jovita Ridhani, Laela Mukaromah, Monica Azizu Haqi, Dhani Priantoro, Achmad N. Crescent
besides banana peel waste are found in areas that produce the chips and sale of bananas and still can not be used by people around.
Jovita who is head of the team stated that the banana peel texture is thick and contains cellulose which is a tissue making materials. Moreover, it turns banana peel contains vitamin C, B, calcium, protein and fat is also pretty good. So the banana skin has many benefits for the skin as it removes acne, psoriasis, warts eliminate small, helps the wound to dry faster and others'
Here is the process of making paper from banana skins:

1. Rinse with distilled water banana peel, slice a banana peel into small pieces as necessary. Do not forget to wear gloves when cutting.

2. Drain all the slices of banana skin to sunlight over nyiru and mixing dry banana peels, water, and NaOH crystals in a pan with a composition ratio of a banana skin, water, and Crystal NaOH.

3. Furthermore, boiled mixture of these ingredients in a large saucepan until approximately 1.5 hours to eliminate NaOH followed by washing thoroughly in order not to leave the smell of pemasaknya solution.

4. Soak in a solution of chlorine for 1 hour, wash with clean water until the smell of chlorine is lost then the dough is soft puree in a blender.

5. Mix by as much as 1.5 kg Talcum into the dough or batter and dilute the pulp to be produced paper thin. Next, pour the mixture into the basin width smooth. Place the sponge on the table, then put a cloth soaked in it.

6. Strain the mixture (not too thick) in the basin using screen printing and screen printing place above the sponge that has been coated fabric upside down, rub a little screen and lift it carefully, then cover with a cloth that has been dampened.

7. Add one more layer of wet cloth. Lift pairs by and basking in the hot areas and then board pairs by fabric and open slowly.

8. The next step, do Pull Resistance Test (tensile strength), test thickness, grammage or weight Base Tissue Paper.

Is as it use banana skin into the tissue, may be useful.