Rabu, 04 Mei 2016

Some of the benefits of bitter melon for health

Pare plant is a plant that propagates and spreads, and in fact these plants can be easily grown and also do not need to use special handling to take care of him. Many who use bitter melon as tasty cuisine.

In fact, tucked away behind the bitter taste tremendous benefits for the health of the body to the natural beauty. Even in some other countries actually use as an herb pare herbal medicines with optimal benefit.

Pare has been widely known to have several benefits to help people with diabetes, prevent and reduce the symptoms of cancer, reduce the effects of hemorrhoids, improve respiratory health, improve skin health and boost the immune system. Indeed pare been shown to have an anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, antibiotic, anti-allergenic, antiviral, antiparasitic, and expectorant qualities.

Program helps healthy diet

In this diet program needs a diet low in calories and so on. Paria is also very suitable as containing low-calorie intake, making it safe for a healthy diet program without causing fat continues to grow. Even very good also for consumption in people with diabetes who want to go on a diet to make it more smoothly.

As herbs for diabetes

Praise be to Allaah, this pariah vegetables have hypoglycemic properties or content with the role of lowering blood sugar levels in the blood. In that sense, consume bitter melon fruit is equal to applying the treatment process in order to get the blood sugar levels were normal. The vegetable bitter melon can work with a sense of bitterness as the lowering of blood sugar levels are more likely to go up. For that, you can consume pare as controllers at lowering blood sugar levels.

Helping people with Hemorrhoids

Several studies have shown that anti-inflammatory properties in bitter melon can help relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids. If you make a paste of the roots of plants pare to be applied topically, then this will help to reduce the inflammation and reduce pain and bleeding in gejaka hemorrhoids. If you drink the juice of bitter melon, you will also get the same benefits, if you can beat the taste of bitter!

Improved Immune System

Pare is also the source of many different antioxidants, that will strengthen the body's defense mechanisms of the disease. Antioxidants eliminate free radicals, or harmful compounds released during the metabolism of cells. With love eating bitter melon, then you would get the chance to defend against serious illnesses such as heart attack, kidney failure, and liver damage associated with free radicals.

Cancer prevention

Antioxidants in bitter melon can also help destroy free radicals cause cancer. Pare has been studied and the experts found pare as anti-tumor agents and anti-carcinogenic. Studies have shown a positive correlation between eating pare by preventing or reducing the growth of malignant tumors such as cervical cancer, prostate cancer, and cancer of pay * virgin. This is because pare ability to induce apoptosis (cell death) in cancer cells. However, this study is still underway to find out more about the anti-cancer properties of bitter melon fruit, as well as the types of patients with cancer what can be benefited.

respiratory relief

Sense of shortness of breath that often bully the process of breathing in a person. Where in the uncomfortable situation that could soon disappear with pare. Bitter herbs that is able to make the cells of the taste buds on the airways to open. In this condition, create an open channel width and air circulation that much more smoothly than before.

Treating urinary fester

Piss festering be caused by infection of the urinary tract. To overcome this is by using traditional ingredients of bitter melon leaves. Prepare 6 pare leaves, roots jayanti two fingers, two fingers and one finger skin frangipani ginger rhizome. All materials are washed and cut into pieces as needed. Boil 4 cups of water until the remaining 2 cups, then add brown sugar to taste. Strain the water and drink two times a day.

Thus some of the benefits of bitter melon for health, may be useful.


Moringa leaves benefits for human health

Moringa leaf or also called by merunggai (Moringa oleifera) is a plant that entered the Moringa parts. Where the leaves are oval layered compound has a small size in a single stem, the flowers are white and yellowish green flowers frond hood with a fragrant scent. The fruit is an elongated triangular shape which is called by the name of tang. Plant height of the Moringa tree can reach 7 hingga11 meters.

The World Health Organization (WHO) named Moringa as "The Magic Tree" and so encourage children and babies eating leaves on this one.

Moringa plant has many benefits for human life, especially in terms of treatment, ranging from roots, stems, fruit, flowers and daunya entirely contained on this plant has tremendous benefits

Overcoming Pain

If you experience pain in the waist, pains and aches you can use the leaves of Moringa as a solution, Moringa leaves have analgesic properties that can reduce pain, the way he crushed a handful of moringa leaves mixed with 1 tablespoon whiting then smeared on the painful , This param will memnghangatkan your body.

Overcoming Eye Disorders

Moringa leaves have four times the amount of vitamin A found in carrots that can overcome the interference that occurs in the eye, for sore eyes, the way he crushed 2 stalks of Moringa leaves give a little water, set aside some time until the dregs settle and then use airny as eye drops.

Treating Herpes / Ringworm

Herpes is a disease caused by a virus with family hepertoviridae. The signs are red spots and festering in large numbers and groups. To treat Herpes way to mashing 3-7 stalks of Moringa leaves until smooth, then paste on the affected skin herpes.

treating Thrush

Moringa leaves are high in vitamin C can be used as a drug thrush by means of the process into eating vegetables for a side dish or boil and then drink the water.

Maintain Brain Health

According to the study, potassium is a substance that is capable of maintaining a healthy brain and nervous. Therefore, consumption of Moringa leaves as vegetable or other food is very good for maintaining healthy brain and nervous.

Overcoming Difficult urination

Moringa leaf serves as a laxative, including in the case of urine laxative laxative menstruation, jik you experience difficulty urinating, you can use the leaves of Moringa to treat it, how one handful of leaves of Moringa, 1 carrot and 1 cucumber, in the juice and then drink the water

Hepatitis / Yellow Disease

To treat jaundice, mashed 3 to 7 stalks of Moringa leaves until smooth. Add one cup of coconut water and then filtered. Add one tablespoon of honey and stir until evenly distributed. For optimal results, take this herb with orderly manner.

Kidney stones

A kidney stone is a disease in which the blockage is present in the urinary tract. By regularly consuming Moringa leaves as a vegetable, is believed to break down kidney stones.

That is why the leaves of Moringa leaf known as miraculous, because so many benefits of Moringa leaves to human health. May be useful


Behind the benefits of small cherry fruit for health

Who does not know this one fruit, fruit that has a very small size but has a distinctive flavor, sweet. and gritty texture inside. The ripe fruit is usually yellow or red and marked with the texture of the fruit is soft when squeezed. We can find these pieces easily by a street or around the yard of the house because this plant is usually used as a shade tree.

But despite being a wild plant, but inside the fruit stored tremendous benefits for health, among others that can treat gout and many more.

Treat gout

In Indonesia, the cherry fruit is often used to treat gout. Cherry fruit also shown to reduce the pain caused by gout.

protect the heart

Cherry leaf extract is also known to protect the myocardium that have an impact on a significant decrease in leakage restriction enzyme of myocardium.

cure diabetes

The content of natural fiber and other nutrients in fruit cherry believed effective in preventing and alleviate diabetes.

treat hypertension

The content of potassium in the fruit good cherry believed to normalize his blood pressure to hypertension could be avoided.

Maintaining eye health

Vitamin A and beta-carotene in the fruit of cherry potent maintain eye health and protect eyesight


The antibacterial properties of this snagat cherry fruit is beneficial to our bodies. Thus we become stronger body from bacteria that can cause certain diseases. The researchers found a strong antibacterial compounds in cherry fruit.

Troubleshooting Acne

Kandunagn vitamin C and antioxidants in cherry fruit is also useful for treating acne. The trick is to squeeze the cherry fruit and rub it evenly on the face. Let stand overnight, rinse in the morning.

It turned out that behind the beauty of the fruit color and taste enjoyment, cherry fruit also contains tremendous benefits for health and beauty. May the above information can be useful for all of us.


Selasa, 03 Mei 2016

The benefits of kale for health, beauty and traditional medicine

Swamp Cabbage is a vegetable that is very easy to find in the markets for planting easy so it can easily look it up.

Kale is not only to have a savory flavor to a side dish or snack k on behalf of the vegetables, but also saved more nutrient content. Such example is the minerals, vitamins, fat and water content. From each of these nutrients has the function good for health in humans.

Perhaps many do not know that the benefits of kale most unique and no one expected was his prowess in the fight against diabetes.

Improving the quality of the brain

Benefits kale with vitamin B complex and omega 3s help brain's performance better. So vegetable kale is excellent served to children in infancy, because it can increase intelligence.

Keeping Heart Health

Kale has important nutrients and content is quite high in vitamins A and C and beta-carotene. These nutrients can help reduce free radicals in the body (as an antioxidant) which can help prevent cholesterol from being oxidized. Oxidized cholesterol in blood vessel walls, leading to clogged arteries, heart attack or stroke. In addition, folate contained in kale can help to convert a potentially dangerous chemical called homocysteine, which in high levels can lead to heart attack or stroke. Magnesium is a mineral that lower blood pressure and protect against heart disease.

treating a nosebleed

Nosebleeds or bleeding of the nose can be overcome by kale vegetable. Where this green vegetable sapat used as a natural remedy for nosebleeds healing process that is often experienced by children. It begins to pound kale leaves that have been washed clean, then add brown sugar and hot water, then, mix well and filtered. Wait until cool and can be brewed for the baby or who have nosebleeds.

Helps lower cholesterol

For those of you who have high cholesterol levels, there is a good idea to regularly consume green vegetables, including kale. One study found that consumption of watercress regularly may help lower levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.

prevention of Anemia

Her body feels lethargic and weak with head feels dizzy you can be a sign of anemia. Kale there is no iron can stimulate the production of red blood cells in the body. It is also available on the benefits of sweet potatoes and beans such as the benefits of long beans or red beans benefits.

Treat toothache and swollen gums

Besides being able to be used as a hemorrhoid medicine, the root of watercress also has other benefits, namely treat toothache and a swollen or bleeding gums. Take a handful of kale rabut roots, boiled with 1 cup of water to the boil. Strain the water and add a few teaspoons of vinegar. The herb is used to rinse while warm.

That's her article about the benefits of kale for health, beauty and traditional medicine. May be useful for you and no longer underestimated vegetables that often we eat just because it can be obtained by already and it's cheap


Senin, 02 Mei 2016

The benefits of yoghurt to health and also for beauty

Yogurt is a fermented milk sugar (lactose) into lactic acid, which will be thickened and supple and sour taste produced.

In addition to health benefits, especially digestion, yogurt can also be used as a cleaning agent metal items in your home

Yogurt for health benefits are:

Lose weight

In order not vain your efforts to lose weight, add yogurt in the daily diet. Not only good for digestion but these drinks also have a slimming effect.

Yogurt, although it does not contain fiber, but has the effect of weight loss compared to other dairy products. Experts say the privilege of yogurt because the content of the good bacteria that keep the body healthy.

Preventing High Blood Pressure

Every day, about 70 percent of us, consume more than twice the recommended amount of salt. Things to do from time to time this can lead to hypertension and kidney. The potassium in yogurt, can help remove excess sodium out of the body.

healthful Teeth

Although yoghrt contain sugar but does not cause cavities. The lactic acid in yogurt are also there to protect the gums. People who eat at least two ounces of yogurt per day had a lower risk of severe periodontal disease than those who did not.

eliminate Depression

A fermented milk drink or commonly known as yoghurt turned out to have the ability to treat depression. The statement is based on a scientific report published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

According to researchers from Ireland, probiotics, or good bacteria, have the potential to alter brain chemistry and reducing anxiety and depression related disorders.

combat Acne

Adding yogurt to the menu daily diet or as a facial treatment to cure acne. Because of the acidic nature, yogurt destroy the bacteria that cause acne, fungi and bacteria in the body.

Apply the cream yogurt cream on the face (face masks) and wash after 30 minutes with clean water to clean the skin.

Or make a paste of yogurt with the added benefits of turmeric powder, sugar and powdered sandalwood. Massage the paste on the skin and rinse with cold water after 15 minutes.

Getting rid of Dandruff

Yogurt contains anti fungal and anti-bacterial which helps stimulate hair growth by acting as a natural cleaner and get rid of dandruff. Anti-bacterial benefits also help soothe the scalp and relieve itching.

Massage the scalp with yoghurt and wash the head with warm water after 15 minutes. The nature of lactic acid helps moisturize the scalp and remove dead skin cells, thus curing dandruff and restore hair health.

Thus some of the benefits of yogurt's health and also for beauty. May be useful


Benefits of bananas for healthy heart

Perhaps many who know not that there is one vegetable that is popular to be used as food. Vegetables on the market has a low price and no less with other vegetables. That banana is often served by most housewives in a healthy diet.

Heart bananas were not in the trunk, but outside of the stem, rather hang together bananas. Banana heart this is where bananas come from, if there will be observed a small flowering banana shape in every part of the heart of the banana. Section which has a red color like mahogany fruit turned out to have health benefits especially can be made diet program menu. In addition there are also other benefits of heart health such as bananas for preventing stroke and diabetes.

Here are the benefits of banana for health, are as follows:

Treating and Preventing Stroke
Banana heart it can also prevent stroke is classified as a chronic disease. In addition, the nutritional content of banana can prevent inflammation of the brain. So, banana than as food diet can also treat and prevent stroke.

Preventing and treating diabetes
A low glycemic index at the heart of the banana is good for diabetics. In addition, the banana also can bind to cholesterol and bad fats which will be issued together with the dirt, so it is useful also for the digestive system.

preventing cancer
Reducing the effects of free radicals which these free radicals can cause damage to organ performance, because the system of oxidation resulted in aging in some cells. Estrak methanol in the heart of the banana has a character such as the benefits of antioxidants, which are excellent for preventing free radicals.

Menu Program Diet
One of the benefits of banana are unable to lose weight, so it can make more slender body like a dream of every women. This is because the high fiber content that can make the stomach stays full longer and a little fat around 0.3 grams / 25 grams of banana. So, banana shall be entered into the list of diet program menu.

It is said that the ancient people rarely exposed to dangerous diseases because they used to eat banana. Therefore, choose a banana as a vegetable that must be present in our diet. Choosing a banana heart as much as possible should be careful so good and tasty when consumed.


The Benefits of Eating Healthy Young Mango

Young is a raw mango mango green and tasty for some people especially for mothers hamil.Biasanya many pregnant women will crave to eat the young mango.

In the young mango turns some of the nutrients contained in considerable amounts, especially vitamin C, carbohydrates, and fiber. On the other hand, young mango contains 0 fat, 0 sodium and 0 cholesterol, so it is certainly healthy to eat.

Young mango also contains carbohydrates, protein, vitamins such as vitamin A, C, K, folic acid, choline, and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium and water where it is needed by humans.

Here are the benefits of eating healthy young mango, among others:

Avoiding various Digestive Problems

When hot dry season, the human body really needs a lot of water and nutrients for healthy digestion. Eating young mango can help cure stomach disorders such as indigestion, diarrhea, constipation, dysentery, morning sickness, constipation, and chronic dyspepsia. But remember, young mango sour taste that high can cause abdominal pain if excessive; should be avoided by people who have an ulcer or gastric diseases.

Preventing blood disorders

Mango helps rejuvenate body cells and helps boost the immune system. Many of the problems associated with blood, such as anemia, cancer of the blood, bleeding problems, cholera, tuberculosis and dysentery; which can be prevented by frequent eating mango young the season.

Rich in vitamin C

Young mango is rich in vitamin C that can meet your calcium needs to make the bones become stronger. Besides vitamin C can help the body fight inflammation and useful for producing new blood cells.

Both to reduce morning sickness

It turned out that the young mango can reduce the intensity and frequency minimize morning sickness. That is the reason why many young women who consume young mango.

Medicine for indigestion and constipation

If your stomach feels uncomfortable due to too much gas and also constipation, consume young mango. The fruit is high in alkaline which can help in treating constipation. Additionally, you can improve your digestive health by eating young mango mixture with honey and salt.

Young mango can be a healthy food alternative for you. But the need to remember not to eat any excess naturally. May be useful


Minggu, 01 Mei 2016

The benefits of a bay leaf for health and beauty

Bay leaf is one kitchen ingredients that are often used, either for cooking or for treatment. But that is often used is to mix cooking in order to be savory dishes.

The content of vitamins and minerals contained in the leaves is very good for health. Leaves for herbal medicine has been known since the first, but unfortunately has not been well-known as other herbal remedies.

Here are some of the benefits of a bay leaf for health and beauty, among others;

affect Cardiovascular

Of valuable compounds such as rutin, salicylate, caffeic acid and phytonutrients are powerful in bay leaves, can improve heart health and prevent stroke. Flavonoids help normalize blood in patients with hypertension. 10 bay leaves washed clean, then boiled leaves with three cups of water. Drink while warm once a day.

Bay leaves to the eye

The water decoction of leaves can also be used to treat an eye and maintain eye health. How to treat an eye with bay leaves are very simple, namely the cooking water leaves rubbed on the affected eye on a daily basis until healed.

Leaves for digestive health

The first benefit of bay leaves in addition to cooking that can help maintain digestive health in the body. The content of vitamins and minerals contained in the leaves can facilitate digestion and digestive problems such as diarrhea, constipation, and more. To cope with diarrhea using bay leaves easy way, that drinking boiled water leaves mixed with a little salt, drink this water when you have diarrhea.

Insect repellent

Bay leaves are a natural insect repellent with lauric acid content. Dish of leaves will repel insects. Oil of bay leaf extract is applied, will reduce the stings and insect bites.

Treatment of Kidney Disorders

Bay leaves will help treat kidney infection, and even kidney stones. Prescription medication is simply by boiling 5 grams of bay leaves and 200 ml of water and 50 ml of water. Strain and drink this concoction twice a day, to stop the formation of kidney stones.

Treatment of gout

Purine substances in the body can accumulate and cause asthma symptoms veins. We can take advantage of bay leaves to reduce uric acid. Way, take about 10 bay leaves and then wash clean. Boil 10 cups of water, until the water remaining 5 cups stay. Drinking this decoction twice a day this stew.

There are so many benefits that can be derived from the leaves ini.Semoga greeting useful for readers and good luck.


The Benefits To The Health of Young Corn and Also for Beauty

Young corn plants such as corn or putren indeed in general, but this type of maize could not have size besar.Selain taste appetizing crunchy, corn also has a high nutrient content are beneficial for health.

These plants include types of vegetables are low in flour so it is often preferred as a menu for the diet. These vegetables contain a lower amount of calories compared to other types of sweet corn.

In the corn contained vitamin C, vitamin A, thiamin, niacin, minerals and antioxidants that high. So the vegetables are beneficial to health and also for beauty.

Helps Fight Infection

Putren or corn contains a number of vitamins in considerable value, namely vitamin A and vitamin C. This vitamin is essential to help the body fight infection sources and maintain the immune system. When you have a lot of vitamin C and vitamin A, the oxygen in the body also becomes more clear, especially from free radicals.

Disguising Scars

Young corn was believed most people to remove the scar on the skin. Injuries to the skin can occur because of irritation, chickenpox or acne. Applying corn or corn oil that has been refined to help the skin becomes more clear.

Prevent Skin Damage From UV Rays

As a source of beta-carotene that is good, do not be surprised if the yellow corn still young and fresh touted as a protective skin from UV rays. Young corn is said to increase the production of collagen where it helps the skin become more healthy and smooth.

Sources of folate for pregnant women

The young corn is a vegetable source that contains vitamin B. Young corn contains folate that can help meet the needs of pregnant women folic especially for the first trimester. When the first trimester pregnant women require higher folate for neural tube formation and central nervous system to the fetus.

Helps Lose Weight

Young corn contains very high levels of fiber and healthy carbohydrates and low. Because the corn is very good to lose weight and keep no weight gain. Low glycemic index value in corn is also important to help you lose weight. So for those of you who are on diet, vegetables are very suitable for your program.

Helps Maintain Cholesterol in order to Stable

Corn or putren also can help keep cholesterol levels in the body becomes more stable. Cholesterol levels that are too high can lead to heart disease, hardening of the arteries and also stroke. Young corn contains vitamin C and bioflavonoid component is very high. These nutrients will help reduce bad cholesterol or LDL and increase HDL cholesterol absorption of the beneficial for the body.

Helps Improve Memory

Young corn contains nutrients that are very complete. Folic very important ingredient to increase the production of new cells healthier. Even folate is essential for you to avoid the disease that attacks the memory system such as Alzheimer's or dementia.

Lifting the dead skin cells

Dead skin cells can be lifted when you use a mask young corn. Antioxidants and corn starch are considered as the natural ingredients that are good for removing dead skin cells.

Thus some of the benefits to the health of young corn and also for beauty, may be useful. And good luck.


The benefits of lime for health

Who is not familiar with lime, which is where lime is often utilized as a kitchen. For example, for flavoring dishes, drinks, refreshment, supplies are citric acid, as well as a mixture of herbs.
Properties of lime is not separated from a variety of existing content in the fruit. Vitamin C is abundant in lime turns out more than other types of citrus.
Here are some of the benefits of lime for health:
Increase endurance
Vitamn C content of which is attached at this plant will provide protection against diseases caused by cold and a variety of other diseases. With increased immunity will preserve and protect the body from infection and disease.
Lose weight
Weight watchers often recommends starting the day with a glass of warm lemon water. In addition to providing a feeling of fullness, lime also provide fiber and vitamin C that helps you lose weight.
Treating Fever or Flu
First step:One washed and squeezed lime juice, added with 3 shallots that have been crushed and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil. Apply it on the patient's forehead.The second way:One lime briefly baked, cut and squeezed, add 1 tablespoon of honey. Drink once.
Malaria fever
The trick is, to provide three pieces of lime leaves and leaf Kendal (Cordia obliqua Willd.) (Blumea balsamifera L.), and 5 leaves prasman (Eupatorium triplinerve Vahl.). Boil these ingredients with 3 cups water until the remaining 1 cup. Once cool, strain. Air filters are divided into two, taken morning and evening.
preventing cancer
The content of vitamin C and antioxidants are also high in lime juice can prevent cancer in the body. Every day you are at risk for cancer, whether it's skin cancer or other cancers. By eating a lemon, you can eliminate free radicals in the body and prevent cancer.
treating acne
You do this simply by applying lemon juice on the acne then let sit for 30 minutes, then rinse your face with water. Apply regularly to get maximum results.
Overcoming irregular menstruation
Namely how to mix 3 tablespoons lemon juice, 1 tablespoon honey and 2 cups hot water. After that mix well and drink when it's warm. Apply this way three times a day.
Hair melebatkan
One chicken egg yolks whipped with lemon juice 3 eggs until blended village. Rub on the scalp, massage-massage thoroughly, leave for 2 hours then rinse with shampoo straw so the hair becomes shiny and dense. Sampo straw made from 1 bunch of straw, burned to charcoal, not ash, soaked in water and leave overnight. Filter, and shampoo straw ready for shampooing.
Treating Anyang-anyangan
2 Prepare the lemon and cut and squeeze. Combine the lime juice into a glass of hot water. Add a little sugar cubes and stir until well blended. After that just drinking the mixture while still warm.
Thus some of the benefits of lime and will be more efficacious if consumed regularly. Similarly, little information about the benefits of lemon for health and beauty, may be useful for those of you who do not know this information.
