Minggu, 18 September 2016


Indonesia is a country that has a tropical climate so it is suitable for membudidaya oyster mushrooms.
The Latin name is Pleurotus ostreatus Oyster mushroom, included in the group Basidiomycota. Oyster mushrooms called because of the shape of the canopy resembling an oyster shell
Oyster mushrooms can grow and flourish in the media made of sawdust packed in plastic bags. Oyster mushroom growth is strongly influenced by environmental conditions.
There are two main activities in the cultivation of oyster mushrooms. The first stage is to make the planting medium and inoculating mushroom seed into the planting medium. Media so overgrown with mycelium white as cotton. The second stage is the mycelium grow into fruit bodies. The mycelium is a network that includes a collection of fungal hyphae. Mycelium can be grown in the cell walls of the wood by penetrating the cell wall of wood

First prepare a mushroom house

Kumbung or mushroom house is a place to care baglog and grow fungus. Kumbung usually in the form of a building, which is filled shelves to put baglog. The building must have the ability to keep the temperature and humidity. The size of the height of the space between the shelves should not be less than 40 cm, the rack can be made 2-3 level. Rack width of 40 cm and a length of 1 meter each side shelf. Each vertebra shelves this size can contain 70-80 baglog. Purposes adjustable shelves with baglog amount to be cultivated.

Prepare boglog

For beginners are better off buying baglog from other parties, baglog itself is a medium for growing oyster mushrooms. Baglog main ingredient is sawdust, because the oyster mushrooms including wood mushrooms. Baglog wrapped in plastic cylindrical, wherein one end is a hole. In the hole will grow oyster mushrooms poking this keluar.Saat, baglog oyster mushrooms weighing approximately 1 kg is sold at Rp. 2000-2500. As for when you want to create your own please read how to make baglog oyster mushrooms.

How to care for boglog

There are two ways baglog arrange a rack, which is you can put down vertically where baglog hole facing upwards. As well as horizontally, baglog hole facing samping.Kedua this way has its advantages. Baglog arranged horizontally safer from the water spray. If excessive watering, the water will not get into baglog. In addition, to make harvesting easier. However, the preparation of a more horizontal to make space.

Here are ways to care oyster mushroom cultivation is as follows:
Before baglog structured, open the first ring and cover paper baglog. Then let stand approximately 5 days. When the floor is made of soil do the watering to add moisture.
After that, cut the tip of baglog to provide growth space wider. Let stand for 3 days do not always watered. Watering enough on the floor alone.
Do watering with a sprayer. Watering should form a mist and not water droplets. The more perfect the better fogging. Frequency of watering 2-3 times a day, depending on temperature and humidity kumbung. Keep the temperature in the range of 16-24oC.
Oyster Mushroom Harvest
If baglog used telaj surface completely covered with mycelium, usually within 2 weeks since opening baglog, fungus already mulau tumbuhh and it can be harvested. Baglog mushrooms can be harvested as much as 5-8 times, if the treatment is good. Baglog has berawat about 1 kg will produce approximately 0.7-0.8 kg mushrooms.

Harvesting can be done on mushrooms that have bloomed and enlarged. Precisely at the edges has been seen tapered. But yet broken hood color is still white berserih. If the harvest through a half day, the color of the needle oysters will change to amber and the hood smashed. If you have this, the fungus will quickly wither and will not last long. It should be noted that in the process of harvesting should be right on schedule. Panena first distance to the next harvest around 2-3 weeks.


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