Sabtu, 05 November 2016

Two benefits of corn for face masks

The desire of every woman is able to have white skin and bright. Besides having a white face women also wanted to get rid of skin problems on her face. Pockmark or black spots such as acne scars that make a separate panic for women. In addition to making the appearance look less than perfect, pockmarks and black stain was also greatly affect a person's self confidence.

For those who bearsal of Java, especially in the area of ​​East Java, may already be familiar with corn mask used for the treatment of chicken pox scars. This treatment is a treatment fairly powerful enough and a lot once done by the Javanese. Not only that turns corn can be used as a mask for the removal of black spots on the face. And many women also have beauty care facial skin with corn, even according to the study, corn mask can also pave the pockmarked face

Having done research by health experts, it turns out corn contains nutrients and vitamins are very important for skin health and the human body, the contents are vitamin A, B12, B5, C, potassium, protein, fiber, and more If you are not too fond of chemical-based treatments you can try to benefit these young corn. Besides being very safe for health and does not cause side effects, the benefits of corn for facial acne is also very good for the skin of your face.

But to keep in mind. There are three kinds of important substances contained in corn whose primary function is as a black stain remover and bleach natural face. This vital substance is vitamin A, vitamin C and citric acid. The content of vitamin C in maize act as an anti-oxidant skin, one of the anti-oxidant substances that are important for skin health is lycopene. Benefits of anti-oxidants for the skin is able to guard against free radicals that can have a bad effect on the skin, such as the onset of wrinkles, dark spots, and other problems. Besides the content of vitamin A in corn can also help brighten the skin, and black blemishes, scars or blemishes on the face and body skin.

Here is how to make a mask of corn

1. For the latest brighten and whiten face

- First of all, please prepare a young corn. Then peel wash them clean. Grate the corn, if the result is less tender, you can soften the corn with a blender.

- After the corn has been smooth, smooth on the face evenly. Allow it to dry, and if it is dry rinse the face with warm ait first. Once clean, rinse your face with a new cold ait. Perform this treatment regularly 2 times a week. Then the result will be that you can see.

2. To remove the black spots, acne scars and chicken pox scars on face

-First Prepare papaya and sweet corn

-Cuci Corn until clean, then take part corn seeds only, and store in a container.

-Cuci Until berih papaya leaves, and sliced ​​into sections.

-Masukan Young corn seeds and leaves of papaya fruit into a blender, and puree until smooth.

-After Corn seeds and leaves of papaya fruit into a soft dough, then the next is ready for use.

-Terapkanlah Dough in the troubled areas of the skin, leave on for 20 to 30 minutes, then rinse with clean water.

-Lakukanlah How this treatment routinely and regularly to mendaparaptkan satisfactory results.

Those are some ways to use masks corn, may be useful.

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