Minggu, 20 November 2016

Benefits of cucumber juice for Healthy Hair

Hair is an important asset for everyone, especially for a woman and for maintaining healthy hair is not an easy thing to dilakukan.Kesibukan everyday activities sometimes makes you forget to keep and care for the beauty of your hair?

But you know, there is a simple hair care treatments that can be done at home? You only need to prepare Cucumbers are easily found to be a cucumber drinks jus.Karena helpful for maintaining healthy hair to make the hair to be healthy, beautiful, smooth shiny.

Cucumber contains Vitamin A, Silica, Potassium, Alkali Minerals, Molybdenem, Vitamin C, Manganese, Tryotophan, Magnesium, and Chlorophyll. The ingredients in cucumbers that are beneficial for the hair is silica. Try just check the ingredients of some shampoos that are popular in the market, mostly containing silica as a main ingredient. In shampoos, silica is used to coat and protect the hair, allowing hair to be healthy and beautiful.

From a variety of existing content, cucumbers can be useful for the health and beauty of hair.

There are several ways to nourish your hair, consider the following reviews.
- Consume in juice form
  Cucumbers consumed in juice form can be useful to help hair growth.
  Because it contains silicon, sodium sulfur, phosphorus and calcium. Thus, the hair loss problem will be solved

- Strengthen the hair shaft, so it is not easily broken. Namely with Drinking cucumber juice can be beneficial for the treatment of the inside. Treatment from the outside can be done by applying cucumber juice on the hair shaft.

- Use cucumber juice to rinse hair, can make hair softer and shiny

- Consuming cucumbers direct secar regularly also helps to nourish the hair and body in general from within.

Thus the benefit of cucumber juice for healthy hair, may be useful and good luck.


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